Kevin Baker
It is important to note that for people who experience oppression, racism, scarcity, and poverty we can’t expect them to shift their mindset while the systems (and individuals) that oppress them go unchecked.
~ Kevin Baker, M.Ed., M.A
Kevin Baker has been passionate about helping people all his life. As an advocate for youth and communities of color, he is enthusiastic about contributing to the success of all people, particularly, those of African ancestry. Such devotion led Kevin down the path of co-founding Men of the Middle Passage—a Black men’s organization dedicated to healing the “soul wound” of men of African.
During his life’s journey, Kevin has been devoted to supporting the realization of your best self as well as encouraging others to be their best selves. Since 2010, through the lenses of cultural responsiveness and race equity, He has conducted workshops, spoken on panels and keynoted events. Kevin has had the opportunity to present across numerous disciplines, with an emphasis on Education, Educational Leadership, Mental Health, Community Policing, and Race and Social Justice. His areas of expertise include Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Cultural Diversity, Historical Trauma and Trans-generational Trauma, Unconscious Bias, and Power and Privilege.
Kevin has a Master’s in Education from Antioch University, with a focus on culture and its Impact on the relationship between educators and students, the Achievement Gap and Educational Leadership. Additionally, Kevin holds a Master’s in Psychology. Using a Depth (the why behind unconscious behavior) Psychological perspective he focuses on Trauma, Historical Trauma, Bias and Cultural Complexes. His graduate studies allowed him to deepen his understanding of how, as a professional, he could help others understand the cross sections of psychology and education. Linking education and experience, Kevin’s consulting work explores how culture is/has impacted the ability of an organization and its staff to provide the best services to students, customers, work partners, and communities. By examining policy, program development, professional and personal growth and development, through an equity and inclusion lens, Kevin’s work assists organizations to positively contribute to the communities they serve.
He is raised in the Capital of the Confederacy, where hero-worship of those who fought to maintain the Southern Way of life is alive and well. Thus, Kevin’s experiences growing up caused him to reject traditional schooling and become an advocate for social justice. Ultimately, it was this consciousness that fueled his desire to return to graduate school, with the aspiration of understanding root causes and transformational cures for the achievement and opportunity gap, as well as for systems change.
Kevin notes that “AND” is the more appropriate response than “OR.” This perspective allows him to keep a focused approach on equity, inclusion, and social justice and encourages all voices to remain engaged. Such approach strengthens Kevin’s commitment to helping all people learn and be the best citizens WE can be.